Friday, February 13, 2009

Our Political Stance, Values, and Beliefs Regarding the United States Health Care System

Our political stance aligns with the Democratic Party. We feel this way on the basis of Barack Obama’s plan which ensures affordable, accessible health care for all Americans. In agreement with his proposal, we value all of the following: decreasing the numbers of uninsured, providing equitable and cost-effective insurance, reducing administrative costs, as well as, eliminating phantom providers and other package pricing.

However, even with the recent change of office, millions are still uninsured, have bad debt due to personal medical payments, and several have filed for bankruptcy. We believe it is important to try and change things as soon as possible, without making impulsive decisions, to prevent from things getting worse.

The Obama administration’s believes that the health care system should not be completely market or social justice, but a mixture of both. From this, we are able to get the best of both worlds. The current health care agenda states that the United States needs a “plan that strengthens employer coverage makes insurance companies accountable and ensures patient choice of doctor and care without government interference.” This eliminates having a complete governmentally run system, which would increase taxes, and having the individual have complete responsibility with the insurance companies.

In addition, under the new reform, the plan states that if individuals like their current insurance plan, they will be able to keep it. The only significant change is that these individuals could possibly have a $2,500 decrease in their insurance plan costs. The Obama administration has many different ideas on ways to decrease prices, including lowering drug costs and requiring all hospitals “to collect and report health care cost and quality data.” However, for those who do not have health insurance or would like to switch plans, they will have a choice of a new, affordable option.

Even though we have many values and beliefs regarding the United States health care system, we strongly believe in making sure there is affordable, accessible, and valuable health care for all Americans.

Shi, Leiyu, and Douglas A. Singh. Delivering Health Care in America. 4th ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2008.

"The Agenda: Health Care." The White House. 2009. 12 Feb 2009 .


  1. I strongly agree with your comment about trying to change things as soon as possible, but without making impulsive decisions. Something really does need to be done to change our system, but if a rash decision is made, it most likely will not have a positive effect on the system.

  2. Without a doubt, it is crucial that we start reducing the number of uninsured. Yet, I feel like our nation is caught between a rock and a hard place. Our focus is access, cost, and quality, but to improve the access (as this group proposes) without a doubt cost will rise. It's a difficult give and take situation especially considering the financial situation our country is in. At the same time, you can't just forget about how much it will cost because naturally it comes down to the financial issue. It will take wise choices and risk to pull our country out of this mess of a health care system.
